This year my main focus and goal was to pay off any and every credit card I owned so that we can focus more on saving towards buying a house. I have it all figured out in a way that I can get them cut off within the year but I will blog about that when the time comes if it all works out well. I'm the type of person that needs to have it all written down, from the math to each bill and the amount due, which date and even the size of the debt. I've been using this particular chart since every other chart I found I felt was too noisy and loud with colors and unnecessary clip art. I like my paperwork simplistic and minimalist, it helps me keep up organized and not forget to pay any bills since it has happened before and no one likes to pay those late fees. I mean it's like throwing money away, literally!
If you're like me and want to organize yourself and be all grown up with the bills, I added a free download of two versions of my chart for your very own use! Let me know how it works out for you!
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