Coming from someone that is OBSESSED with diaper bags as well as organization and carrying every possible thing I may need. I wanted to keep this diaper bag very simple and useful. I was aiming for an everyday diaper bag. So this is what I would have on a daily basis because you never know when the baby will go or worse yet, when they'll have a diaper explosion. The one thing I didn't put on here that I have essentially on every purse and bag is hand sanitizer. Always hanging on the outside for easy access to any sanitation needed specially during these times. 

Living in a house with two stories, you can only imagine why this is a genius idea! I hate running up and down the stairs and much less with a new baby in need of a new diaper or whatever it may be. I was originally going to make this cart to keep next to my bed however it makes more sense for this to be downstairs by the bassinet. I can set it up next to the rocking chair as well and make it a breastfeeding area or pumping area, as well as keep the changing mat there for quick diaper changes. I wanted the grooming and diaper changing things to be inside a caddy for easy grab if I needed to move anywhere in the house. The middle tier is all pumping supplies or anything to help with breastfeeding. The last tier is mainly for burp cloths, swaddles/blankets and extras of diapers and wipes to keep handy just in case. Anything to make my life easier and keep baby as happy as possible.