March: National Nutrition Month || Preparing For A Lifestyle Change

Sunday, March 01, 2015

For one of my New Years resolutions I chose to "be healthy". I didn't want to create an unrealistic goal like "lose 20lbs" or "get abs" that sort of thing. I wanted to eat healthy, especially cook at home more and also maintain an exercise routine. Therefore I allowed myself to prepare this time and not just start without feeling prepared. By prepared I mean a fridge full of veggies, a book full of recipes and a perfect workout to go with it. I did so much research and I've had plenty I've tried that just didn't workout not because it was hard to maintain but some of the recipes start off with the simple things you can find anywhere like eggs and milk and end with tears of a virgin maid or something like that. Like what the heck? I'm also living in another country in which things aren't as easy to find, however everything nearby is 100% natural and straight from the farm. You see here in England all the chemicals that America adds to their food is not allowed. How freaking great is that?

W O R K O U T  R O U T I N E 
Anyways moving onto my goal, workouts wise I've had tried so many and at first they're great and eventually I just lose interest. Then through Instagram I came across Kayla Itsines Bikini Guide Workout. Guys I die at every before and after out there! This isn't like those fake infomercials. this is legit. There's thousands and thousands of followers who do this every single day, well she does has over 2.2million followers! (check out the hashtags #kaylasmovement #kaylasarmy #bbg) it's amazing and you find so many great people who motivate you to do this and keep going. Buying this program was a big commitment for me, I didn't want this to be wasted money. I made a promise to myself that this was something I had to commit to regardless of the situation. Once I bought the program and saw everything I was amazed. I can't wait to start it. I took my before pictures (she encourages the pictures not the scale because the scale can be disappointing but seeing results is what usually changes and helps you to keep going) I have them saved with the date, hopefully one day they will be just an old fat picture of me. Her plan does come with a food routine as well, I just chose the following due to it being much simpler for my lifestyle.

H E A L T H Y  D I E T  P L A N 
I wanted easy recipes that not just I could make but my husband would enjoy eating as well. We're both picky eaters so we needed delicious and healthy meals. Natalie from Hello Copeland came out with a new Feed Yourself Fit booklet. It's a two parter, The Plan: is a 3 week meal plan for all the healthy meals including grocery lists plus 30 recipes and The Routine is for workouts and such. I've always been a follower of her since before her baby, she looks ridiculously amazing now after losing 70lbs! At first I started to try it without any sort of routine workouts. I just wanted to make the meals and try them see what I liked what was easy and what I didn't enjoy. Just by following it for one week I actually lost 5lbs. Which was great, like that was all just made in the kitchen. Imagine how great it would be with a workout incorporated? I loved every meal and snack and my husband loved them too. So I knew this was a plan I wanted to stick to. 

Blogilates is notorious for her amazing blog and videos. I always love the challenges she has monthly (seriously check her out) she has an entire line of workout products from merchandise to bottles to planners. Her beautiful brightly color planner is what caught my attention, plus she went above and beyond with the details in these planners. It allows you to have pictures of you for every month for 'before and after' as well as a food log, workouts you did that day, water intake, sleep log and notes. Along with motivational quotes and beautiful art, this planner is by far one of my favorites. It's perfect to go along with my new lifestyle routine. Writing down what you eat each day is a huge help in keeping you following the right path to a healthy lifestyle.

V I T A M I N S  &  E N E R G Y
Supplements wise I'm not huge on, I never used to take them until I met my husband however I am a huge vitamin person. I used to have every type of vitamin I could on the daily. Since our move, a lot of them expired (yes they expire! Make sure you keep them in check!) so instead I'm trying to find an all in one daily vitamin and of course I always take my Biotin 10,000mg on the daily. When I started to think about things I needed the first thing was... Energy! I could have everything ready for me to start the day but if I lack energy my day is ruined. I did some researched and found GNCs Women's Ultra Mega Energy Vitapak Program. I was finding it hard to commit because Amazon had them for $40 and it was just one month supply. I'm not cheap but I don't like to waste something I've never tried and run the risk of failing. I checked GNC and it so happened they were currently having a sale for only $10! (be on the lookout for those GNC sales!) I was so happy, this way if they didn't workout for me $10 wasn't going to hurt as much as $40. (One of my resolutions is to save). The last product I needed to find was a protein shake that was meant for women, for me to take as a meal replacement or after a workout. Someone I know (she's a health and fitness coach) actually recommended FitMiss to me and I took their word for it. Plus it comes in Vanilla Chai and as low as 90 calories! 

D E T O X  W A T E R 
The next thing I needed was a big water jug I could bring anywhere with me. I found this pink 64oz jug, I try to drink 2 of these a day (equivalent to 1 gallon). Water is a huge deal throughout any diet or any lifestyle change. I'm so bad at drinking water on the daily which is why I needed is jug and it has helped so much. I keep by me at all times, from any trips to run errands to sitting on my nightstand every night. I hate keeping glasses because it's such an easy spill waiting to happen and bottles fill up my house when we are done with them. Every morning I start with cucumber and lemon water (great way to start the day with a detox to help start your organs right) and if I can and still want more after one jug the second one is regular water so I don't forget it and run the risk of it going bad and ruining my jug with bad a smell. 

Lastly you always need some good shoes! Nothing will suck more than working out in pain or getting pain afterwards from a shoe with too hard of a sole. You need flexibility and all around comfort. I had some Nikes but with the move they got lost and I was so upset because they were a beautiful teal/Tiffany color and super comfortable! I went out and found some super obnoxiously hot pink Nikes that I love! You don't need that brand but Nikes have always been my favorite. I've been wearing them since I first had to take PE classes back in Middle School. A good workout outfit will always motivate you and will allow you to perform at your best from a good sports bra to comfy leggings. I've been super excited to try some AlbionFit sets. 

G O A L  &  M O T I V A T I O N
A bunch of friends and I got together and decided to commit to a couple races. One the ColorRun, and the second one the Nike 10km Run London. I was so nervous to do this commitment because I'm so unprepared. However the dates aren't until June 7th and June 21st which allowed me exactly 3 months of training to allow my body to get comfortable at long distance running. I'm so scared but it's the perfect goal I needed! For motivation I actually worked out a rewards system. I know how ridiculous it may sound but if it works on dogs and kids... why not give it a shot. I started small, if I can complete the first 2 weeks I get to get my hair done all the way to my biggest reward completing the 12 weeks for a mini vacay! In between I have things like a new bikini (since I'll feel more motivated to wear one again) and such of that sort and it's things I want so I keep going. You don't have to go with huge rewards, anything to keep you going! 

Wish me luck! I'll keep updates on my progress as often as I can and weekly photos will be taken! Follow me on my new blog Instagram @HauteMamaxo for any updates! 

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