Vision Board | 2025

Saturday, January 11, 2025


In 2022 I made a vision board like this and I honestly loved it so much. Didn't accomplish a single thing on it other than a move and buying a house but other than that it has inspired me to do it again. Since then,  I've only made one for 2024 yet I accidentally deleted and I'm honestly so mad at myself because I had actually accomplished A LOT on that one. I was actually thrilled so I'm giving 2025 a go! Now I know resolutions will die down within the month so I always strive to make small changes towards my main goals. However regardless of whether they happen or not it gives me something to look forward to and manifest for myself since clearly that hasn't failed me before. Here are my main goals...

1. FITNESS : I think this one is pretty obvious since it's been in every year and most people will relate. However I was aiming to be a bit more specific with this one. I didn't want to just workout, I wanted to do different workouts. I want to be committed to Pilates (especially because its been great for postpartum) I especially want to work on my core and upper body strength with it because it is my weakness. Running has always been my go to for cardio, I want to do better with it (once its not in the one digits degrees outside and I can go out running again) and of course I would like to also include weights but mainly for stronger legs and booty. I am incredibly weak when it comes to this so I'm hoping to change that. I was doing so well last year and randomly stopped. I need to get back on it. 

2. TRAVEL : While I have always loved traveling, I wanted to focus on some road trips this year. We live so close yet so far to almost everything North that I have always wanted to see, so I added New York as my top place because I've been dying to go to it. I also added a Peru passport because I want to renew mine and go to Peru again this year. My kids have been begging to go and it’s definitely a goal to take them and show them where I grew up. 

3. MOVE : I added Japan to this because even though we have been hoping and praying a job for my husband opens up again in my actual dream place, it's less likely with the job he has now to go there but a way higher chance for Japan to be open and it would be such a huge opportunity to get to live in such a cool place. Fingers crossed on that one.

4. HEALTH : I count this one inside and out. I added vitamins because I'm keeping consistent in the vitamins I need. The thing about me is that if I stop taking anything my body shuts down and I have the hardest time getting back on track. I'm anemic and low in vitamin d and b, so its necessary for me to stay consistent. I also includes skincare in this because I feel good when my skin is soft and moisturized and glowing. If I don't I have the worse time and feel gross. 

5. LOOKS : Now this one it's something I am slowly making my way to change. I have been a tees and leggings and sometimes jeans type of girl and quite frankly I've grown bored of it. I have a whole drawer full of tees and I feel like they make me look lazy. I hate that it doesn't help me feel put together. My goal with this is to donate a bunch of what doesn't make me happy anymore and buy more neutral and matching tones in simple basic tees (just different styles) for a more cohesive wardrobe. I always naturally gravitate to fall colors so all my stuff is usually in the same color scheme but I want to look more my age than a teen with no fashion sense. This brings in the jewelry, I would like to use my jewelry more often. I feel it ties it all in very nicely as well as a everyday statement piece like my wedding band but a same gold I'm leaning towards. I'm also aiming for more neutral nails to match my everyday looks, with my go to almond shape because they're just the best.

6. HAIR :  Yes hair gets it's own spot here cause I have gone through such bad mental health this year that my hair took in all the damage like a champ. I have bleached and cut and dyed my hair so much it feels like straw. If you know me, you know I pride myself in my hair and it's just not making me feel good or pretty anymore. I have stuck to a neutral dark brown for the time being but I want a fresh cut and style and I would love a more caramely brown with maybe some low lights. Most of all I want a no heat curls daily, a silk bonnet to protect at night and oiling it with deep conditioning at least once a week. I want to baby and regrow my hair as well as want to have it look nice everyday rather than be thrown in a hair clip and break off my ends by brushing it daily. Also going back to night care with some braids and leave in conditioner to help nourish and prevent so much knotting and breakage at night. This one will be hard but I take pride in saving and ravaging my hair.

7. MIND :  Reading has become a favorite thing of mine lately and I want to dedicate time before bed to reading more rather than scrolling on socials. I want to have a good goal. Last year I started my goal too late in the year and felt like I didn't read enough or lost myself in a book. I want to change that and I want to be sure I enjoy my book not just before bed but outside in the sunshine with a coffee in hand. Finishing my degree is also in my mind 24/7, I would love to get back to a career goal in mind. It's been weighting heavy on my heart to commit to it no matter how tiresome it can be and how much time of mine it may take.

8. MONEY :  Lastly is spending money. I have been pretty good at managing bills this year alone, Ive gotten out of so much debt thanks to it. But my goal is to not waste any money just because there is some to spend. I plan on continuing paying off anything I need to and think 3 times before buying anything in store that I don't absolutely need. Even thought there's a gorgeous car on there, it doesn't mean I need a new one. I just like it and it's a dream to have it but I won't make any crazy spending decisions. This brings me to the makeup, I won't be buying more of anything until I have completely run out of whatever I need. Even though I'm changing my wardrobe, I don't want to buy purses or accessories I won't use for long. I added the YSL tote because I truly think it's a purse I can use all the time, with any outfits, it's big enough for a mom bag and it's a statement piece. 

These are little yet big goals that can last me for long terms therefor it’s more of a lifestyle change. My main priority will always be my mental health. It’s the one thing always holding me back and it’s the one thing I’m working on prioritizing. Everything else is just what helps pick it back up. Cheers to 2025!

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