What's in my Diaper Bag | Newborn Baby Edition

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Coming from someone that is OBSESSED with diaper bags as well as organization and carrying every possible thing I may need. I wanted to keep this diaper bag very simple and useful. I was aiming for an everyday diaper bag. So this is what I would have on a daily basis because you never know when the baby will go or worse yet, when they'll have a diaper explosion. The one thing I didn't put on here that I have essentially on every purse and bag is hand sanitizer. Always hanging on the outside for easy access to any sanitation needed specially during these times. 

Diaper Bag: Like I mentioned I'm obsessed with trying out new diaper bags, I own so many of them and this is my first time owning HappBrand. I wanted a versatile color to match more outfits so I went with black and it's seriously gorgeous. I picked the Levy Backpack style because for personal preference I like the side pockets to be outside of the bag for the bottles. Not to mention the ability to use it as a backpack is a great bonus! 

Diaper Clutch: I used to have one of these with my daughter and it was so nice. I would keep the diapers, wipes and ointment in it as well as a changing pad. If we were ever out in a restaurant or airport (its happened) I just pull out the clutch and I don't need to bring in this huge bag in a tiny bathroom or have to dig through to get what I need while holding a baby. 

Ointment Spatula: I have seen so many people say what a waste of money this is but until you've used one you have no idea! I got one as a gift and thought it wasn't going to be useful to me... until I tried it. I like getting my nails done so personally I hate ointment under my nails as well as I don't think it's sanitary to put my hands on the babys butt. This isn't daycare, I'm not wearing gloves that I can just dispose of. I promise you once you use it and notice how easy it is to use and spread. Your life may change.

Formula Dispenser: As mentioned before I keep formula as a back up or once I'm done breastfeeding. This thing was perfect for premade bottles. Just bring some warm water pour in and the separated container already has the perfect amount of scoops in. Just twist and pour and shake. Once the baby outgrows the formula it can be used for snacks!

Diaper Baggies: Just like you pick up dog poop, these are a necessity in your bag! I've had my daughter have a full on diaper explosion in the car and we were over an hour away from home. I used these bags to dispose the diaper that we couldn't yet throw away so it kept the odor away and another bag for her dirty clothes so I could just throw it in the wash. Trust me you need them!

Extra Outfits: I'm simple so I aim to pack extra one pieces so I'm not looking all over for what goes with what. Onesies are amazing like that. Once they outgrow them I still aim for a one piece and add extra socks to keep their feet warm.

Burp Cloths: These have multiples uses, your baby doesn't have to be a spit up baby to need them. Sometimes it's just drool or you need a quick bib like for their bottles or to wipe their face. Whatever the need they're great and come in handy.

Pacis, Clip and Holder: Keep extra pacifiers because you never know when your child will loose one. Specially if they're very depending on them. Once they loose it and you have no other way to help soothe them, insanity takes over. I like to keep 2-3 extra in my purse and a holder for easier access as well as to keep them clean and separate from everything else. Also the clippers are wonderful for the new babies that don't know how to keep them in all the time or those that loose to spit them out.

Bottles: Always keep an extra clean bottle in your bag. Things fall out and get lost and I never want to be in a place in which I have no idea what to do because of it. The older they get they can also get one for milk and one for water. Glass bottles.

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