First of all I'd like to explain how I even ended up traveling by myself in a foreign country with my two kids. It all began long ago when I married my husband whom is in the military. That's it. There's no need to explain more, you cannot make plans with the military. It's a rule like in Fight Club or something. It never works out well. Aside from that my mother was going to join me instead, but then her pup got really sick and she spent a lot on his medical bills so that left me to fend off for myself. I wasn't worries about my kids at all, my kids are amazing travelers. My main concern was grabbing all bags and have both kids in my hands as we get on and off the plane/train/bus. Especially didn't want to over pack and regret having something I had no use for at all. Which brings me to my very first tip as well as my most asked question. How do I pack for my kids? 

One of my very popular posts was my first DIY Blue Print Cleanse I made back in 2015 when my husband first went on a deployment and I was able to completely detox and reset my taste buds and appetite. And this one I did back in 2012 before I even has a juicer at all. I didn't have the money to just buy the cleanse set but I did have a juicer and all the time to do it myself. Fast forward 5 years later and I am back to having time in my hands and my husband gone again so I needed to do this! Again I didn't want to buy the set when I can clearly do it myself. I can see how much of what ingredient I'm putting in as well as what kind of produce I'm using. With living in the UK I don't see a lot of the cleanse fabs going around like it does in the states but by googling I came across ThinkPress and they have 100% organic juicery. Their juices were sooo similar to the one I had done before except much more simple! Being a mom of two, the easier it is to make, I need it! Here is my recreation of the Lighten Cleanse which is perfect for a beginner!

As the prior cleanse it requires 5 juices a day for either 1, 3, 5 or 7 days. I decided to begin with 3 days as I had before but to make it simple I will have the recipe below for one bottle. That way if you add days you just double or triple the amount. In my last post I had many ask about that and it's been so long I don't remember anymore. Also want to point out that these worked perfectly in a 16oz bottle! The entire day is about 935 calories worth, this is to reset and it's not meant to be done when you are constantly burning calories as it will make you tired. They have a different cleanse made with more calories if you want to work out while you detox.